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Anti-Spam Policy

At, we are committed to safeguarding you from unwanted emails or communications, with exceptions as detailed in our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Your information remains confidential and will not be shared, sold, or leased to any external parties. You retain the autonomy to opt in or out of our monthly newsletters via your ‘Profile Details’ section.

All members are expected to exercise responsible account management, refraining from any form of spam directed towards our partner merchants or the general public. In the event of complaints from our partner merchants regarding spam activities by any members, swift termination of the involved accounts will be executed.

Any instances of unsolicited emails or spam-like behavior brought to our attention will be promptly addressed with thorough investigation. Such actions may result in suspension or permanent expulsion from our network of websites.

We take a firm stance against spam to ensure a pleasant experience for all users and to uphold the integrity of our platform.

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